Sunday, February 28, 2010

Singing in the Rain...

“The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.” - William Shakespeare

It's become a happy pattern here of rain one day then two days of sunshine. Today and yesterday were sunshine days so perhaps tomorrow will rain. I recently watched "Singing in the rain" an old musical about when talkies were first introduced into motion pictures. It was fantastic and of course the key song is the joy of singing in the rain - that Love triumphs over the weather among other things.

I feel as if I have had several small epiphanies lately. Being in church the last couple of weeks has produced a sense of awe at the realization that at any moment on a Sunday somewhere in the world there are people Praising God. I know we should do so everyday in life but in the sense of literal singing songs of praise on a Sunday if you know what I mean. Thinking about the time difference, from the moment I woke up until I go to sleep someone is singing to God. It is a comforting though to know the body of Christ continues on in worship even when I am not singing myself and that we are all interconnected in the holy spirit. A continual wave of praise if you will that overlaps across the world's time zones and people.

It has also been a week of realizations for how little control I have over many things. I cannot change the attitudes or actions of my family or often even myself and I cannot earn significance or my salvation. It is all in the hands of Christ and while that is releasing in one sense it is also disquieting in another for I am used to doing, I am used to being useful. To depend fully on Christ for all needs is a bit uncomfortable and it makes me question what it means to really allow him to be enough, to be in relationship with the God of the universe. I have trouble loving and being in relationship with others around me.

Erica is here and it has been fun having her around. It has also made me realize how quickly I like and establish routines. Though I don't have a job I have gotten into the habit of breakfast with Rachael, some kinda yoga class, several hours spent at the library and or walking around town dropping of resumes and applying for jobs and then dinner with Rach and watching a movie before we fall asleep. May sound boring to some but I am enjoying the time with Rach, sleeping in, exploring Portland and seeing my family on the weekend. This week however my free yoga pass ran up and Erica is here making the week not routine. Don't misunderstand, I am super stoked she is here - I just have to remind myself in the morning that today is open for whatever fun thing we want to spontaneously do, to know we probably won't leave on time because we are all slow, and I won't get work done. When I remind myself of this first thing it is a good day - Erica is super wonderful and fun. We have gone hiking near Hood river, explored the Hawthorne district, had an impromptu fashion show, tried new restaurants and went to a movie. I just feel disrupted and stressed if I don't remind myself that the day is going to be that way. I am a weirdo.

At any rate, the area near Hood River was beautiful. Its a really quaint town and our hike was gorgeous, despite the rain. We had intended to make it all the way to Mt. Hood but due to the rain clouds we couldn't see much of the mountain and it was still a bit snowy there. We also went to the living room theater near Powell's book. Loved the small, hominess of it and the food/coffee was good. However the movie we watched was super strange, it was called the Imaginarum of Dr. Parnassus. I didn't love or hate it, but wouldn't watch it again. Rachael liked it and Erica hated it. Lol.

We also discovered a fun coffee shop in the hawthorn district, while there we had to write some fantastic letters on Hogwarts stationary and send it to a few people who shall not be named. You will soon know who you are.

Also we have gotten to peak at our new and improved apartment. It looks awesome. However it is going to be another week and half before its finished. Say a prayer if you read this that it would be finished a few days early. My clark street girls are coming to visit ( HOOORAY) and it will be super crowded if all 5 of us are in the small studio we are in right now. Worse case scenario it will be like our OC nights in the dorms, either way I am so glad they are coming. I am really enjoying Portland but missing the community back in Raleigh.

Lots of love my Chummly wummlies.

And I love Erica Bethel Metzger

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